On Friday Dec. 10 for my birthday we headed down to Jamaica for the weekend. They updated our room to a suite with two balconies looking over the ocean. AMAZING! We arrived there later Friday afternoon and got settled in our room. We ate a quick late lunch at their beach grill, it was good. Then Friday night we had several course meal at their night club and it was so delicious. Then Saturday morning we got up early and headed out on a catamaran boat. They took us out to a coral reef were if you wanted you could snorkel. It was overcast at that time and really windy, so I opted to stay on the boat, but Bill went out for almost an hour. He saw some beautiful fish he said. Then we went over to the world famous Dunn River Falls. We had the option there to walk up the falls. They said the water was extremely cold and it took about 45 min to climb up 600ft. Bill was the brave one, but they also had a dry walk all the way up to the top on the stairs and at the top you can put your feet in the water. They also had a tourist area there too. The falls were breathtaking. They warned us when we got off the boat that several of the locals would offer us to buy weed or other drugs and they had ways of trying to trick you into it. So you do have to be aware. Then on the way back they take the boat out against the waves and served appetizers and drinks. Being on the boat with mountains and the ocean around you, God's creation is beautiful. That night we ate at the Italian restaurant with some of the best food I have ever tasted along with some really good wine. Then on Sunday we spent time at the pool relaxing until it started to rain. It rained most of the night, so we hung out in our suite and then had dinner again at the Italian restaurant. On Monday we headed home. I would HIGHLY recommend this for couples. I don't know if it is a place I would take young children though. We had such a wonderful time.
Of course while we were gone Austin spiked a fever and since we have been home has been fighting a horrible stomach bug, poor guy...with lots of cleaning up of diarrhea is no fun. Also Sierra caught a nasty cold. So right now we are doing what we can to help him get over this and thankfully Sierra is feeling better.
Tomorrow my baby turns 5. Happy Birthday sweet Abby Sue. I can't believe you will be 5 and how big you are getting. I am so blessed by you and to be your mom! I love you girl!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
November is already a busy month...
We had a good Halloween.Sierra was a butterfly, Abigail was little red riding hood, and Austin was a pirate. Abby and my mom went to Kansas City Mo. to go trick or treating with my nephews. I decided to stay home with Austin b/c last year we ended up at Children's Mercy Hospital the day we were leaving b/c Austin had a fever with a seizure. So Sierra, her mom, sister and Grammy all went trunk or treating It was to cold and windy for Austin, we decided to not stay and bring him home.
A couple of weeks ago the kids had parent teacher conferences and they had GREAT reports. I am so thankful we have found a school they all love and are so eager to learn in. Abby loves her new pre-k class that she started in mid October.
My wonderful husband has planned a short vacation, that also falls on my birthday. He found a great deal and we are going to Jamaica, I can't believe I will get to visit such a beautiful Island. I have deffinetly gotten to travel more since I married him, I guess I can't complain, we have seen so many beautiful places. Thank you so much to all who are able to help with the kids so we can do this.
Austin is fighting a horrible bug. He doesn't have any energy and has been running a fever since Sunday. We took a trach culture today in hopes to know something and start him on medicine. We are praying we will be able to do this without any hospital stay this time.
Happy Birthday to my mom, tomorrow...Hope it's an awesome one! I hope everyone is enjoying fall as we get closer to Thanksgiving. We are blessed and are thankful for so much this past year! Have a great one everyone!!!
A couple of weeks ago the kids had parent teacher conferences and they had GREAT reports. I am so thankful we have found a school they all love and are so eager to learn in. Abby loves her new pre-k class that she started in mid October.
My wonderful husband has planned a short vacation, that also falls on my birthday. He found a great deal and we are going to Jamaica, I can't believe I will get to visit such a beautiful Island. I have deffinetly gotten to travel more since I married him, I guess I can't complain, we have seen so many beautiful places. Thank you so much to all who are able to help with the kids so we can do this.
Austin is fighting a horrible bug. He doesn't have any energy and has been running a fever since Sunday. We took a trach culture today in hopes to know something and start him on medicine. We are praying we will be able to do this without any hospital stay this time.
Happy Birthday to my mom, tomorrow...Hope it's an awesome one! I hope everyone is enjoying fall as we get closer to Thanksgiving. We are blessed and are thankful for so much this past year! Have a great one everyone!!!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
It's all about the family...
We have been staying busy. When October hits it usually means the kids start to get sick. Abby and Sierra have both experienced their first nasty colds for the fall. Austin has had some extra congestion, fever and diarrhea, so he has started his breathing treatments. With Bill working, being in school so much and running Sierra around to her gymnastics and dance...we both are staying busy with keeping up with the kids when we are home. ON a good note, my parents and I took the kids to grants farm earlier this month and had a delightful time. We also got to take the kids to a fall festival included with a carnival and fireworks, called Valleydays. That was also a ton of fun! Sierra got to even meet up with her uncle and cousins that she doesn't always get to see.
One of the more exciting things that has happened is my brother recently got engaged. We soon will be welcoming Rachel to our family, as an Aunt, daughter-n-law and sister n-law. We are thrilled for both of them.
So we are staying pretty busy here. Maybe, just maybe if all works out, the hubby and I will be able to plan a pretty short get-a-way in a couple of months. There is a lot to look forward to here and we will keep you posted. Aren't you enjoying this awesome fall weather!!!!!
One of the more exciting things that has happened is my brother recently got engaged. We soon will be welcoming Rachel to our family, as an Aunt, daughter-n-law and sister n-law. We are thrilled for both of them.
So we are staying pretty busy here. Maybe, just maybe if all works out, the hubby and I will be able to plan a pretty short get-a-way in a couple of months. There is a lot to look forward to here and we will keep you posted. Aren't you enjoying this awesome fall weather!!!!!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Enjoy and Love the St. Louis free Zoo!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Life...as WE know it!

Hey everyone, here is what we have been up to. A couple of weeks ago Valley Park hosted a valley palooza for the second year in a row. Last year was a huge success and raised money for a child in Austin's room at school. Extreme Makeover wasn't able to assist them because they said the street wasn't one they were able to shut down for and extended period of time. So they started this music festival and raised money to help out a family who had a son that needed help in making his life easier with his disorder. We went last year and had such an awesome time we couldn't pass it up this year. This year it was for a 27 yr old boy who lives with his mom that works a full time job and his grandma lives with them so she can help out. He has severe special needs. This year they raised over 40,000 dollars. HOW AWESOME IS THAT. I loved that we could help out in a little way. With having Austin you understand the sacrifice of taking care of someone with multiple needs and both stories touched our hearts. The girls loved getting involved in giving back!
Bill has started school two nights a week. I am so proud of him for doing this to make a better life for us in the long run. Austin is still doing great. Sierra is doing great in 1st grade and is adjusting well to the schedule. She also stays busy with gymnastics and dance. Abby keeps me busy while the other two are in school. That's about all we have to report for now...until next time! I wish everyone a happy fall. I love the weather!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
He's beautifuly and wonderfuly made
"I have been blessed And I feel like I’ve found my way. I thank God for all I’ve been given. At the end of every day. I have been blessed. With so much more than I deserve. To be here with the ones. That love me To love them so much it hurtsI have been blessed."

I am so proud of him. He's going all day at school for the first time ever. He is up to working in his standar at school twice a day. He is into everything, which is a good thing. He "crawls," rolls, scoots, and gets everywhere he can. He has an awesome apatite. he has lost 4 teeth. He is staying healthy, praise God. He LOVES school! He is growing up and I am so honored that God choose me to be his mom, what a great kid!

I am so proud of him. He's going all day at school for the first time ever. He is up to working in his standar at school twice a day. He is into everything, which is a good thing. He "crawls," rolls, scoots, and gets everywhere he can. He has an awesome apatite. he has lost 4 teeth. He is staying healthy, praise God. He LOVES school! He is growing up and I am so honored that God choose me to be his mom, what a great kid!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

On Sunday we celebrated Sierra's birthday at chuck -e- cheese. I think everyone enjoyed this. It was an interesting group of people there because we all love this girl! If I explained everyone in these pictures, it may sound a bit confusing....So I will leave you with these pictures of our fun day with Sierra!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Ben and Lia's wedding

This weekend we celebrated with my borther -n- law as he married his beautiful bride Lia. What a beautiful wedding with great weather. Sierra was the flower girl and Bill was his best man. I also now have a niece and nephew, Welcome to the family Elizabeth and Michael! We also celebrated Sierra's birthday on Sunday, pics to come!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Today Sierra Lynn is 7. I can not believe how much she has grown up since her Dad and I first started dating! TIME NEEDS TO SLOW DOWN!!!
7 Things special about her are
1. She loves being in 1st grade
2. She is SO talented at gymnastics, can't wait to see where it takes her
3.She loves country music
4. We love to watch her dance
4.She is a great helper with Austin and Abby
6.She loves the outdoors and camping
7.She has such a sweet spirit and is growing into such a sweet little lady!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
#2 Gone

Abby lost her second tooth on Thursday night! She was just wiggling the tooth so much that day and by the evening it was just hanging there. I told her we had to pull it so the tooth fairy could come and because I didn't want her swallowing it in her sleep. The girls only 4 and has already lost two teeth....CRAZY!!! Enjoy your weekend everyone!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
And they are off!

Today was Austin's first day of second grade. It also is a milestone, he's attending for the first time all day. In the past, because of his health, he's gong half days. We are all praying this is a positive transition that he is ready for health wise. The teacher called earlier today and said he was so happy! Sierra had her first day of first grade. I think she was so excited that she was up early and fell asleep about 10. Abby and I are doing pre-k at home until we are at a point where we can send her. We got some fun things for her to work with. I am so happy to see them off, because they all like school and do so well where they are at. I'm glad to have a break! I hope everyone has easy transitions for school this year as well!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Owensville County Fair
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