Friday, January 14, 2011

quick update...

Everything is going pretty good. Austin continues to stay for the most part healthy. We have had trouble with the bowel movement area with him recently. I'm trying to have him be somewhat regular or at least going once or twice a week....this is my short term goal for him! He's doing great in school and LOVES being there even if it does wear him out at the end of the day. It's changed his life and I am so excited to see where it takes him!

Sierra has a busy schedule. School, daisies and homework for a first grader are big things! Then she's still doing gymnastics and dance. She is doing good in all areas.

Abby, right now is staying at home with me. We are really pushing letters and numbers with her in hopes to have her ready for kindergarten in the Fall. She is slowly picking up on it and I hope she continues to grow in this. She is your typical sassy 5 yr old that keeps me on my toes!

Have a great January everyone!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Our Christmas post and Happy 2011!

Austin got a new key board for Christmas along with other toys, and this is the ONLY thing he wanted to play with! Love at first song!

The kids in front of our Christmas tree waiting to open the presents Santa brought!

This was Christmas at my parents house, it was absolutely wonderful!

Sierra opening up her stocking at my parents!

Austin was so excited and was moving his arms and legs like a monkey trying to get out of my arms. But he did get a cute critter hat for Christmas!

This is from Abby's birthday we celebrated at home on her actual birthday with family, my mom and brother, and the following weekend we met up with more family at Chucky Cheese! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season for 2010 and are continuing to count all your blessings for 2011!