Goodness, it has been a very long time since this blog has been updated. There has been a lot of changes going on! I will start with my sweet lil man. Back in February he started running daily fevers several times a day. He started to not want to have anything to eat, no energy, trouble going to the bathroom, he was so lethargic he wouldn't lift his head up to play. It was heartbreaking b/c we knew this wasn't like him. Several times we would go in for fluids b/c he would be extremely dehydrated. We had a few short admissions, where they would check all kinds of blood work and nothing was showing up...He ended up having an NG tube placed in his nose to help get food into him. Even with this he wasn't any better. Then at the end of May we went to Texas for a medical conference for the MECP2 kids and research which was an incredible experience and we made so many lifetime connections with these families. Austin was sick the entire time we were there....Still didn't know what we were working with. We went in June to have a mickey button placed in his stomach to continue to keep his nutrition up b/c he had lost so much weight and I was determined to not leave the hospital until they knew what was wrong with my son...So we got every set of Dr.'s involved that we could think of to figure this out. Finally after much debate on Dr.'s and lack of communication...someone finally ordered a CT scan of his abdomen. BC his blood was showing some concerning things. It was showing the inflammatory markers in his blood were extremely high witch means that something in his body was inflamed. On the CT scan it confirmed that his colon was enlarged and inflamed and he had an enormous amount of stool in there. Then they started him on a bunch of stuff to help clean him out and ordered a colonoscopy(sp). They did biopsy's and confirmed he had and autoimmune disease called crohn's. They now have him on steroids and an auto immune medicine that has made a huge difference. We were so happy to have an answer and get him treatment to get him well. Well I am happy to say he is doing fantastic! Also we celebrated his 8th birthday this summer! He'll be going to 3rd grade this year!!!
Now Miss Abigail's turn...Well she is doing fantastic! We have spent our summer days with the pool, swim lessons, six flags, friends and just enjoying it! Her biggest adventure coming up is Kindergarten. She will get to attend the same elementary school I went to. She is stoked!! She has all her school supplies and her new backpack and lunch box. I think I will enjoy the break, but can't wait for her to come home and let me know how her days went. One of the friends she made at summer school, was in her swim lesson class and now will be in her kindergarten class and she will have the same teacher from summer school. I couldn't be more proud of her and how well she is doing! Thanks for checking in with us and hope every one's summer has been wonderful as the new school year approaches!
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