Sunday, February 28, 2010

This was a very sick boy last week

Last week, Austin had a double ear infection and a fever of 102. He fell asleep on the floor like this probably three different times. Well, if you know Austin, he has constant energy and for him to fall asleep on the floor, it is not normal. I felt for him last week, but he is much better now! Then on Friday night Abby got sick with the stomach flu and threw up all night long. Saturday during the day she was doing better. Saturday night she was not feeling well with a fever and threw up again. Today, she is feeling better, but she is still not eating anything. Then, Saturday night after I got home from shopping, I started to feel like I had the regular flu. Today, I have had body aches. I hope all this sick stuff goes away so we are all feeling better and ready for our spring break vacation!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Gymnastics class

This is Abby from Tuesday night with her gymnastics class. My mom shared these with me. The girls now go on two different nights. Sierra now teams up with a girl that is on her level so they can feed off of each other and learn together. This should possibly allow both to move to higher levels in gymnastics. Little Miss Abby goes on Tuesday nights. They love it and both do great. It teaches them so many good things. I hope you enjoy the pics and are enjoying our blog, thanks for stopping by to read!

Monday, February 22, 2010

About Austin, and his condition...he amazes me everyday!

Milestones for my little man : Austin can sit up on his own and get down on his own from a sitting position. He can roll and scoots everywhere. He flaps his arms and legs when he is happy and gets really excited. He can pull himself up to a tall kneel all by himself. He can stand with you holding him under his arms. He is always happy and my joy. He had to have a g-tube put in at 5wks old that he was fed through and because he learned to eat enough on his own, it was removed in 2007. He can drink thickened liquids with a sippy cup and he can eat most table food. The foods he can have are mostly spoon fed to him. We are so excited that this winter he has stayed pretty healthy. All of his AWESOME accomplishments have happened with the grace of God and amazing therapist to help him along the way. It is teamwork. He is in the 1st grade and has a one on one nurse that goes to school with him everyday. He receives PT, OT, Speech and Aug. Comm. services, which are such a blessing for us to have.

Austin was diagnosed with Mecp2 duplication syndrome along with Cri Du Chat syndrome in Feb. 2008. He had a lot of test done to try and figure out what all he had going on before actually being diagnosed. His diagnosis is so rare and complex that he is the only one in the world documented with the combination of these two chromosomes. The Dr. that ended up running the test that would diagnose him was a neurogenetics dr. Some of the more difficult challenges we went through with him accrued when he was 4 mths old. At 4 mths. old he had such difficulty breathing that he would have episodes where he would completely stop breathing. Because of this he ended up requiring a tracheotomy and placed on a ventilator for support. He was able to be weaned off the vent about 2yrs old but still needed the trach to help him breath because he had paralysis in his vocal cords. He continues to have hospital stays due to respiratory issues. He also has a port-a-cath that was placed to help make his frequent hospital stays more manageable with antibiotics. This is to take the place of getting IV's all the time. He was briefly with out his trach in July of 07 but due to his frequent reoccurring respiratory infections he was recanulized with the trach in Jan of 08. He continues to use the trach, humidity collar and is on an 02 machine while sleeping. Also, because of having a trach he requires frequent suctioning to help keep his airway clear. He was recently put on a seizure medicine in Nov.09 in hopes of preventing the seizures when he gets very sick.

I continue to praise God for the life he has given to Austin and I pray as his mom, I can help him make the most of it every minute of his life

What's happening here!

This weekend we celebrated my Dad's birthday. My brother came home from Springfield, it was so good to see him, and the kids love Uncle Tim! We had a great service at church. I picked Abby up from Bilble class and she said " We clap, singed and shouted for Jesus." I think the girls had a great time too! We missed having my sister and her family here for my Dad's birthday, but I believe that Kansas City got 7+inches of snow where they live this past weekend. I'm glad it stayed that direction! This week we are back to normal with therapy for Austin and the girls have gymnastics. I guess that means we will have a happy week and we hope you do too!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Happy Birthday to my Dad

Our church and pics... of cute kids

I am so excited that we have opportunity to go to church today! It has been a while since we have been able to go with the girls and I LOVE our church. It reaches so many people all over the World. The children's ministry is amazing at the way they plant seeds in these kids to learn about God's love. Abby and Sierra love it! It has been dificult getting to church this Winter with so many being sick. We don't take Austin because of how large of a church body it is there is a big risk of him catching a new germ that could make him very sick. We are thankful for my parents who help keep him and it works out that no one is sick this weekend YAY!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Austin got to go to school!

I am so thankful Austin got to go back to school today after a week and a half. His nurse that goes with him to school is WONDERFUL! I don't know how we could do it with out her, she is a huge help with keeping him healthy and loving school (Thank You Jamie)! She said today he did really good. On Wednesdays he has physical therapy right after school, he did good and was content, but he didn't have the endurance he normally does. I am thankful for how far he has come and continue to pray for him to grow even stronger.I hope he can finish Winter without him getting sick so he can stay in school. The girls are thakfully getting back in their rutine too.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The love in my life

We will be married for two years on July 3, 2010


Back to school they shall go

Practicing gymnastics for tonight!

This is what's happening in our house. THE KIDS ARE FINALLY BACK AT SCHOOL! We have had a couple of snow days and a 4 day weekend! I am so relieved to have a morning to myself, well with Austin. Abby went to preschool this morning and had a post Valentine's party, she said it was GREAT! Sierra is now having to adjust to getting up early for her bus, this is not something she enjoys doing. She loves to sleep (now if I could only have Abby on that same schedule...HA) The girls go to Gymnastics every Tuesday and are doing great. It is a great way for them to get exercise in the Winter and I highly recommend it to anyone who has young kids. It is also great for parents because the kids sleep well that night when they come home! Our poor Austin has been bataling severe congestion in his trach and nose for over a week now. I am hoping we are on the mend with it and he can return tomorrow to school. Bill and I got to go to a movie and lunch on Saturday for Valentine's day. It was good to have a short break from the kids and thanks to the grandparents for helping make this happen. I also have one prayer request, Bill's mom has had some heart issues and had to be taken by ambulance on Valentine's day to the hospital. We think she will be coming home today and we pray for a fast recovery with lots of rest at home for her! There is never a dull moment in our house!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Spring vacation we need you to come soon

This is such a sweet picture of her and I look foward to the day they can be outside again in the warm weather!

We are struggling to find activities to do inside with them on these cold days of Winter. The last picture is Abby having a tea party with her friends. I am so thankful for warm weather espically since I have had kids. I never realized how nice it is to have those breaks where they can play outside. I look foward to driving to Florida in a couple of weeks. This will be Abby's first BIG vacation and our first road trip with the girls. Sierra is looking foward to swimming, she LOVES the pool! I am excited that Abby will get to see the ocean for the first time. We will also enjoy visiting Sea World and a water park. I am so excited to be in a warm climate. I keep thinking only a few more weeks of finding acivities to do inside with the kids. This has been a big adjustment for me because since Austin was little we have spent every Winter in and out of Children's hospital. This is the first Winter that things have gone so good for him we haven't been in the hospital since Halloween! I am thankful for being home with him. Also, I have had the opprotunity to care for him through these Winter months as he has been sick and doing everything to keep him from getting fevers that would result in him going into the hospital. It has been very exausting at times to work with someone with so many special daily needs and they are mutiplied when he is sick. I am counting my blessings and I am also looking foward to Winter being over.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I found these old pics on my sister's blog from when Abby, Austin, Tucker and Jackson(my nephews) were little. Abby and Tucker are only 5wks apart. Jackson and Tucker are 12mths apart. Austin was 2 1/2 when Abby was born. Aren't these pictures fun to look at? I love it!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Random fun things!

She loves to dress up and show off how beautiful she is! I think this is adorable!
She loves to spin and dance. This is her putting on a show for me! It was cute!

This is how Austin enjoyed on his snow day, even though he is under the weather! I just think he is precious, he has my heart!
This is Sierra ready to brave the snow that fell last night in St. Louis. I think she enjoyed sliding down our slide outside that was covered in snow!
This is Abby looking like an Eskimo. Her favorite thing was making tracks with her feet and a snow angel!

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Snow has reached St. Louis

On snowy Winter days in St. Louis I feel like doing this! We are expected to get 4-8 inches. I'm thinking the kids will have a snow day tomorrow. They stayed home today as well b/c Austin has such an icky nose and Sierra is getting over her stomach bug. Abby only goes on Tuesday and Thursday to preschool. I hope everyone is enjoying watching it fall from inside the house, so you don't have to be out driving in it. I feel for the people in the Washington D.C. area who got almost 30inches. I can not imagine what that is like and I am glad we don't have that much here. Be safe everyone in this Winter Blast and take a nap like my little man here!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

just some fun and sweet pics of the kids over the past few months, enjoy


What a winter we have had, it seems all three kids have been on antibiotics several times this winter. Because of Austin's respiratory needs he has spent many winters in and out of the hospital and sometimes it was critical situations. This Winter he has stayed out of the hospital and has been able to be managed with antibiotics at home. We have an amazing team of WINGS nurses that come out once a week to check on him. With their help we have cought a lot of things early before they got to bad for him. I can not tell you what a relief it is to me for this. I am so thankful for his precious life every minute. Abby and Sierra are in school this year and they have had some sickness, Sierra was in the hospital with pnomonia earlier this winter. So we are so thankful we are making it through this sick season. Bill and I have remained the healthy ones, which is good so we can help get the kids through all this. I pray the rest of the Winter isn't to bad for them. Of couse now, Austin is having a runny nose and Abby too. Sierra's grammy called tonight and said she is throwing up. So please pray we can get over this next round of sickness with out needing any hospitals.